Per Stenebo
2011-07-08 19:19:55
2021-03-12 13:13:25

To be able to use some of the functions in this system you must have a user account on this site.
You will find tools to create and manage your user account in the left menu.
The process is as follows:
- You create a user account for yourself. An email will be sent to the address you entered. The site administrator will also be notified.
- You click on the activation link supplied in the email to verify the address.
- The site administrator elevate your user privileges, you will get another email when that is done.
- You can now log in to the system with the granted privileges.
The information you enter will be saved on the site for administrative purposes.
You must accept cookies for this site to be able to log in.
If you log in to the system before you have been granted privileges you will see the same things as before you logged in.
If your privileges is modified while you are logged in you must log out and in again to use the new privileges.
This is the standard procedure in an unmodified installation of BendCMS.