Per Stenebo
2014-07-13 12:55:16
2020-08-29 09:59:24

ADS1015 12-Bit ADC 4 Ch. I2C


4 kanaler analog till digital omvandlare via I2C.

| AdafruitAdafruit HowTo |

Konfigurera I2C

GPIO 2 (pin P1-03) & GPIO 3 (pin P1-05).

Pin 3 (SDA0) and Pin 5 (SCL0) are preset to be used as an I²C interface. So there are 1.8 kilohm pulls up resistors on the board for these pins.

| Adafruit tutorial |


Test med TMP36

TMP36 inkoppling TMP36Temperaturgivare

| Lawicel produkt | Lawicel lektion |

git clone https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit-Raspberry-Pi-Python-Code.git

sudo mkdir /opt/i2c

sudo chown per:per /opt/i2c

cp ~/Adafruit-Raspberry-Pi-Python-Code/Adafruit_ADS1x15/ads1x15_ex_singleended.py /opt/i2c/ADS1015_TMP36.py

Justera ADS1015_TMP36.py

Exekvera: sudo python /opt/i2c/ADS1015_TMP36.py

Ch0: 0.726 = 22.6°C Ch1: 3.308 = 280.8°C Ch2: 0.000 = -50.0°C Ch3: 0.632 = 13.2°C

A0: TMP36, A1: 3.3 V, A2: 0 V, A3: ej ansluten.


Kommentarer till sidan ADS1015 ADC