Per Stenebo
2016-12-17 11:22:42
2017-04-16 12:59:23

Dropbox in Raspberry Pi

How to benefit from Dropbox service in Raspberry Pi.

There are no dropbox install files for the arm platform so there are no simple road to dropbox heaven from Raspberry Pi. There are HowTos about using dropox-uploader but I think my situation allows a simpler approach since I already have a fileserver in my home LAN that have dropbox installed and runs 24/7. 


Method one: SSHFS

Mount remote dropbox dir on a local dir with SSHFS

Prepare SSHFS, more info here.

Create a local dir:

mkdir ~/Dropbox

Mount the remote dropbox dir on the local dir:

sshfs$USER/Dropbox ~/Dropbox

Put the above command in ~/.profile to automount when user login.


Method two: rsync

Use rsync to keep a local dropbox directory synced against a remote dropbox directory.


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